Our Kindergarten program is aligned with the Common Core Standards, and is designed for facilitating growth and development in young learners. Keeping in mind that all students have the ability to learn, the Kindergarten curriculum is differentiated so that all developmental and learning needs are recognized.
Students spend 90 minutes each day on Language Arts. During this time they are developing their beginning reading skills, practicing phonics concepts, writing, drawing, discussing, and more. Students in Kindergarten use manipulatives and other tools in order to learn math concepts in the areas of Counting and Cardinality, Math Operations, Geometry, and others. Science and Social studies are taught on alternate days. Students complete science projects, such as creating something from recycled items, and they are exposed to many exciting Social Studies lessons and units such as community helper’s week.
In addition to these core subjects, Kindergarten students have Religion class every day and the Catholic faith and tradition are part of everything we do. We also spend time on Handwriting and fine motor skills, work habits, art, music, gym, library, and computer. Although they focus on technology in computer class, students are exposed to a variety of technologies through the use of tools like computers, the Smart Board, and the ELMO projector during regular class time.
Although all of the subjects are important, the most important part of Kindergarten is the emotional and social development, including the development of excellent social skills and relationships. In Kindergarten, I work together with the parents to ensure a safe and happy learning environment, and to promote fairness and passion for learning.